Sugar Maple Horse Farm

Rescuing Animals, Teaching horsemanship, compassion, and mindfulness with lots of love

Our Story

Our first ever rescue was in 2010, a gelding and a mare they were in rough conditions, caked in muck, skin and bone but sweet as can be. We took them home that day, taking time to build trust and rehabilitate each one. The gelding went to a forever home and we kept the mare, our Angel. She’s been withus for 13 years now and is the reason we continue to rescue. Since then we have taken, rehabilitated, loved and rehomed 20+ horses. It’s a labor of love, but it goes both ways; we help the horse and the horse helps us, through rescuing we can redefine humanity and horsemanship.

Mission Statement

Improving the quality of life for horse and humans through rescue, rehabilitation, re-training, and re-homing. to restore respectful horsemanship, humane treatment, and the heritage of the horse.

Horse Drawing Illustration

Our Team






Ground Work-

Equine Assisted Learning course that provides participants with activities that can promote the discovery of critical life skills such as healthy decision making and problem solving, creative and critical thinking, self-awareness and empathy, communication and interpersonal skills, and coping with emotions and stress.

Inky Sketch Horseshoe

Success Stories

Patrick at his forever home

Baby Charlotte and Momma Savannah

Hand Drawn Heart

How You Can Help

All donations are greatly appreciated and go directly back in to horse care, and providing equiptment for our volunteers.

To send some goodies checkout our amazon wishlist here.

Volunteers are always needed. help us clean, feed, and care for the horses. To become a volunteer click here.

For donations made by check, email us. For all monetary donations via credit or debit cards click here.

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Contact Us

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instagram- sugarmaplehorsefarm

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Bethany, 06524 CT